PICC leads a statewide Youth Organizing Project that gives space to immigrant, refugee, and ally youth to support each other and learn about organizing 101, storytelling, advocacy, strategy and campaign development. Youth leaders are included in PICC decision making processes, including deciding on advocacy issue priorities, choosing campaigns, and representing the organization at public events.
Benefits to becoming a youth member of PICC, include:
- Serve on youth committies across PA and coordinate PICC's statewide Summer Youth Convening
- Join monthly youth-only organizing calls and organizing spaces to learn new skills
- Participate in PICC member meetings and strategy sessions
- Support to set up PICC's organizing school club in your school or community
- Support with fundraising to attend local and national trainings and conferences
- Training opportunities to serve on PICC's Board of Director
- Transportation to state and national advocacy events (as available)
- Access to PICC meeting space (as available and according to building regulations)
- Access to online library storing resource materials, trainings and informational materials produced through PICC's campaigns and trainings
Please contact Yeny Romero Yenyromero@paimmigrant.org or (484) 352-3068 for questions and inquiries on our youth membership
We are excited to have you join PICC's membership and join the movement for immigrant and refugee rights in Pennsylvania!