2018 Summer Youth Convening

 Registration is closed for this event
This is a weekend dedicated to bringing together 30 immigrant youth that originate from different walks of life across PA. This is an opportunity for us to share our stories and develop leadership skills, organizing skills, and have a chance to build relationships with other youth who share our similar experience and goals

En Español abajo!

We are excited to announced the dates for this year’s Summer Youth Convening!

After successfully bringing together 95 youth from diverse geographical areas in Pennsylvania in the last three years, PICC has continued to engage immigrant youth from across the state in advocacy, provided support and direct leadership development to our leaders all year!

This is a weekend dedicated to bringing together 30 immigrant youth that originate from different walks of life across PA. This is an opportunity for us to share our stories and develop leadership skills, organizing skills, and have a chance to build relationships with other youth who share our similar experience and goals

August 17-19, 2018

Ages: 14-25

Cost: $35.00 per person

All attendees will help with fundraising- PICC will provide and assist with a fundraising plan!

REGISTER HERE!  Registration starts June 1, 2018  ends July 28, 2018

 CALLING PAST ATTENDEES: Join our convening organizing team! Your role will be to help us figure out content for this event, activities, possible trainers/speakers, fundraising and help with outreach to your friends.

Commitment: 5 1hr planning calls in the evenings starting June- July.

 Visit our website for more information regarding convening and registration. 

Support our youth & donate today! Please consider making a donation to help cover cost of our youth convening! Donate TODAY!  If you are interested in becoming an event sponsor please contact Maria Sotomayor at mariasotomayor@paimmigrant.org or 215-832-3482 for more information.


Conferencia de Liderazgo de Jóvenes Inmigrantes y Refugiados 

Después de reunir exitosamente a 95 jóvenes de Pennsylvania en los últimos 3 años, PICC ha continuado ha involucrar a jóvenes inmigrantes en campañas de defensa, apoyo y desarrollo de liderazgo.

Este es un fin de semana dedicado a reunir a 30 jóvenes inmigrantes de distintas areas de Pennsylvania. Es una oportunidad para que jovenes compartan sus historias, y desarrollen habilidades de liderazgo,organización comunitaria y  tengan la oportunidad de conocer a otros jóvenes que comparten experiencias y objetivos similares.

Fecha: 17- 19 de Agosto

Edad: 14-25

Costo: $35.00 por persona

Todos los participantes ayudaran a juntar fondos para este evento. PICC les ayudara a crear un plan de recaudación.

Registrate aquí! : Aplicaciones empiezan el 1 de Junio, 2018 y terminan el 28 de Julio del 2018.

Visita nuestra pagina web para mas información o contacta a Maria Sotomayor al 215-832-3482 o mariasotomayor@paimmigrant.org

Atención a participantes anteriores: Te gustaría ayudarnos a planear esta conferencia? El compromiso es que vas a estar en 5 (1 hr cada una) llamadas de grupo desde Junio a Julio. Ayudar a dar ideas sobre temas, coordinación de jóvenes, planear entrenadores o personas que vengan a hablar con el grupo, recaudar fondos, etc.

August 17th, 2018 4:00 PM to August 19th, 2018 2:00 PM
Event Fee(s)
Fee $35.00