While we keep our communities safe by maintaining physical distancing and staying home, we can also keep our communities safe by taking action! Urge Congress to include all immigrants in next federal relief bill: Congress is contributing to this public health crisis by excluding immigrant families from COVID-19 relief programs. We need Congress to include everyone. This means:
-- Direct Economic Stimulus to All Workers, Including ITIN Filers, Mixed-Status Families, and Dependents -- Expand Access to Testing and Treatment for COVID-19 Under Medicaid to All People, Regardless of Immigration Status -- Expand Eligibility to Unemployment Insurance for All Workers, Regardless of Immigration Status -- Automatically Extend Work Permits and Status for Immigrants with Employment Authorization -- Suspend Immigration Enforcement and Release Immigrants from Detention -- Suspend the Implementation of the Public Charge Rule Find your Representative - Find your Senator
2020 Census: Have you filled out your 2020 Census form yet? When everyone is counted, our communities get their fair share of federal funding to help keep all people safe and healthy. Health care, education, and emergency planning all depend on getting an accurate census count. When you fill out the census online or by phone, you don't have to worry about a census worker coming to your home. Go to www.my2020census.gov or call 844-330-2020 and complete the census today! 2020 Elections: Skip the lines at your polling place by requesting a mail-in ballot.
Step 1: Check that you are registered to vote at your current address. If not, update your voter registration online. Step 2: Request a mail in ballot. |